Customer Testimonials

Customer SatisfactionIf you're looking for the best septic company for your all your sewer and septic needs, you've come to the right place. Our goal is total customer satisfaction.

Please read what some of our many satisfied Sewer-Man customers are saying below!

  • Mr. Banks called in to our dispatcher Laurie and said Chad did a great job, he will call us again and tell his friends about ROOTER-MAN -John Banks, Memphis, TN

    John Banks
    Five Stars
  • Billy was awesome! Would not hesitate to call Rooter-Man again if needed. Again, thanks for your help. -Joe Antonuccio, Billerica, MA

    Joe Antonuccio
    Five Stars
  • The servicemen couldn’t have been more friendly, hard working and knowledgeable about the job. I just wanted you to know that we were very pleased with the service we got from your company.

    Sam Jacobsen
    Five Stars
  • Today my drains blocked up, and I contacted your company. The person sent to fix my drains, Sam, was professional and worked diligently and efficiently. Whenever I have drain issues, I will be calling Rooter-Man.

    Bruce Parker
    Five Stars